I didn’t go to college for software engineering, and I know I’m not alone. In fact, the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results showed that only 62% of the developers surveyed had a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering.
My goal with this resources page is to share and promote the resources which helped me get started with a career in DevOps (or cloud, software, whatever else you want to call it). This list won’t cover everything – because no list can, but I hope it becomes a valuable starting point for new developers and DevOps engineers.
I have used these classes, books, and websites to learn everything that enabled me to get started in the software industry.
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Think something is missing? Shoot me an email, message me on Twitter @Sean_Ziegler, or comment at the bottom of this page.
Affiliate disclosure
You should know that some links on this page are affiliate links. This means that if you purchase a product listed on this page, I will make a small commission at no cost to you (typically about the cost of a cup of coffee). These commission earnings help cover the cost of hosting this site and my ever-growing AWS bill.
Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020
My rating
Take this if
You are an IT professional but want to learn AWS.
$50 on Udemy, but often on sale for under $20
I used this class to pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam; it is an excellent overview of AWS as a platform. It’s a tough course, so it helps if you already know the basics of how traditional IT operates, but it is an excellent way to kick-off learning the cloud.
Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020
My rating
Take this if
You are a software developer who wants to learn AWS.
$50 on Udemy, but often on sale for under $20
I took this class about three months after taking the solutions architect class. It covers a lot of the same stuff, but with more emphasis on using the AWS CLI and developer things like Elastic Beanstalk and DynamoDB.
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
My rating
Take this if
You need to learn how to code quickly and don’t care about Computer Science.
$50 on Udemy, but often on sale for under $20
This is a great course that walks you through basic Python syntax from start to finish. As you learn the language, you use Python to automate some everyday tasks like Excel spreadsheets, PDFs, e-mails, and even controlling the mouse.
University of San Diego’s Algorithm Toolbox
My rating
Take this if
You know how to code but don’t know much about Computer Science fundamentals.
Free without certificate or a
7 day free trial; then $50/month
I took this course because I realized I knew how to program, but I didn’t really know much about computer science. I majored in mechanical engineering, not computer science. If my program worked but was slow, I didn’t know enough to about what happens under the hood to improve it. This course covers the most useful parts of an undergraduate algorithms class.
University of San Diego’s Data Structures
My rating
Take this if
You know how to code but don’t know much about Computer Science fundamentals.
Free without certificate or a
7 day free trial; then $50/month
This course is the perfect introduction to fundamental computer science data structures. You must know these because many DevOps interviews will ask some fundamental CS questions like merging two linked lists or reversing a binary tree. These questions can seem difficult for non-CS majors, but with Algorithmic Toolbox and Data Structures under your belt you’ll do just fine.
Clean Code
My rating
Read this if
You are looking to take your code style from hobbyist to professional.
Even after years of programming in Python and other languages, my code was still messy and unorganized. Clean Code can help fix that. Clean Code covers many topics about how to keep code clean, organized, and readable. If your GitHub profile needs a little TLC this might be the book for you.
Google SRE Handbook
My rating
Read this if
You are especially interested in working on a site-reliability engineering team.
The Google SRE Handbook is a valuable look at how one of the world’s largest companies, Google, manages their production systems. With insane traffic and an important role in the internet, Google definitely knows how to make systems reliable. This book will teach you how to build systems that you can depend on.
The Phoenix Project
My rating
Read this if
You want to understand how a (fictional) company completes a DevOps transformation
The Phoenix Project is the story of a fictional company’s adoption of DevOps. If you’re in the middle of a transition to DevOps or are about to experience one, this book is an entertaining and humourous look at what your life might be like while your company embraces DevOps.
The DevOps Handbook
My rating
Read this if
You want to understand “What is DevOps?”
This book is the technical counterpart to The Phoenix Project. It’s a guide on DevOps best principles and how to manage and execute a DevOps transition within a technology organization.